


I Cherish You: Understanding the Importance of the Most Important Emotional Needs

This twelve-lesson class is intended for couples who are new to Dr. Harley's concepts (Level One). Since this is an Level One class, it's recommended that each spouse reads the "Summary of Basic Concepts" before starting.

Each lesson will require about 30 minutes of reading and couple discussion.  It's recommended that couples complete a minimum of two lessons per week. 

The lesson content is as follows:

Lesson 1: The Love Bank and the Most Important Emotional Needs

Lesson 2: The Emotional Need for Affection

Lesson 3: The Emotional Need for Sexual Fulfillment

Lesson 4: The Emotional Need for Conversation

Lesson 5: The Emotional Need for Recreational Companionship

Lesson 6: The Emotional Need for Honesty and Openness

Lesson 7: The Emotional Need for An Attractive Spouse

Lesson 8: The Emotional Need for Financial Support

Lesson 9: The Emotional Need for Domestic Support

Lesson 10: The Emotional Need for Family Commitment

Lesson 11: The Emotional Need for Admiration

Lesson 12: Becoming an Expert

Participant’s Agreement 

The Four Gifts of Love® Online Institute is an educational program only and not intended as therapy or to replace therapy. 

As a participant, you understand that your experience in this Class, in part or in whole, may create new perceptions and a range of feelings that at times may include uncomfortable emotions. It is always an option for each individual to choose to participate or not to participate in the assignments based on one’s own comfort level. Clearly understand that it is always your choice as to participate. 

Your Class participation declares your agreement with the above statements. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are aware or become aware of current physical abuse and/or current infidelity in your relationship, we recommend that you first eliminate those issues before taking this class. For instances of current infidelity, we recommend going through the process explained in Surviving an Affair (Harley/Chalmers, Revell, 1998, 2013) to ensure that extraordinary precautions are being followed for no contact with the lover; and for current physical abuse, we recommend reading Dr. Harley's book, Love Busters, Revised and Expanded Edition (Revell, 1992, 1997, 2008, 2016) and, if needed, obtain professional help to ensure a zero tolerance for physical abuse before starting this course.