Effective Marriage Counseling




Effective Marriage Counseling


This is a Level Three (L3) class. It is intended for students with marriage counseling training and experience. The prerequisite for starting this course is the full completion of the Four Gifts of Love® class with one's spouse.  


Each lesson will require about 1-2 hours to complete. The lessons are as follows:


Part 1 Theory: The Harley Model for Marital Satisfaction

 1. A Simple and Effective Model   

 2. The Basic Assumption: The Love Bank    

 3. What Does a Good Marriage Counselor Do?    

 4. What Is Marriage Coaching?    

Part 2 Method: Building Love Bank Balances

 5. Love Bank Deposits for Men    

 6. Love Bank Deposits for Women    

 7. The Policy of Undivided Attention    

 8. Control and Abuse    

 9. Dishonesty and Annoying Behavior    

 10. Independent Behavior and the Policy of Joint Agreement    

Part 3 Application: A Case Study

 11. Intake and Assessment    

 12. Treatment    

 13. Practice and Discharge