FEB 14, 2024
What does it mean to "keep the fire burning"? In this article, Dr. Jennifer sheds some light on this motivational phrase as related to our marriage and relationship with God by explaining a helpful acronym: L - O - V - E.
Fifteen hours? Really? In this article, Dr. Harley will help you understand the importance of dating in marriage and how planning your dates will depend on each of your Love Bank balances.
The Apostle Paul wrote concerning sex, "Don't deprive each other except by mutual consent." But as most husbands know, it's not as simple as following the suggestion of a Bible verse. Dr. Harley explains more about this topic.
Sadly, at times gender differences are not considered a good thing. But Dr. Harley disagrees. Why? This article gives an answer..
Many marriage professionals argue that sustaining romantic love is unrealistic. Dr. Chalmers disagrees.
How Is Romantic Love Created and Sustained
Does dating stop after the marriage ceremony? Hopefully not. In this article series, Dr. Harley will offer you practical advice for keeping romantic dating alive in marriage.
How Dating Affects Romantic Love
Dr. Harley offers more advice on how to make your dates the most exciting time for you and your spouse.
The Policy of Undivided Attention
Dr. Harley offers more advice on how to make your dates the most exciting time for you and your spouse as he describes a couple who are almost in love.
Scheduling Time for Undivided Attention
How do you schedule time for Undivided Attention? Dr. Harley continues his Dating after Marriage series with advice on how to do this.
Independent Lifestyles
Dr. Harley continues his series on dating in marriage as he writes about a more challenging couple situation who had independent lifestyles.
Policy of Joint Agreement
Dr. Harley continues his series on dating after marriage.
Dating Is Not Always a Good Idea
Is dating always a good idea? Most would answer "Yes." But Dr. Harley explains how sometimes it's not, as he writes about a couple who hate each other.
Great Conversation Is Essential for Romantic Dating
What's needed for a great date? Flowers, music, romance, recreational activity? In Part 8, Dr. Harley explains what's essential for a great date.